萨兰登扮演的海蓁是小镇 Fort Dundas 的女警长。近来,小镇的平静被一连串血腥谋杀案件打破,凶手以行将就木的老年人为作案对象,手段极其残忍。被害人的嘴巴都被凶手刻意固定,似乎是在发出某个音节。海蓁与刚从多伦多调来的新下属本合作,发现那些音节能拼成一句拉丁语。小镇的牧师告诉她,这是一句失传多年的祷文,说的是要牺牲十二个平民的生命,换来基督的复活。镇上已有九民老人遇害,海蓁要在凶手完成所谓“复...
It's been eight days since the clown first showed up in Green Bay, WI. Now, over the course of one night, four different groups of people cross paths with the clown everyone calls "Gags"...
The story of Charlie Darby, who has everything going for him: a great job, friends, family, the whole package. The one thing Charlie doesn't have is love, because every time he gets close, he goes...