Sadly, the title is the best thing about C.H.O.M.P.S., as the film is strictly for kids (who will undoubtedly get a kick out of the broad humor and rampant silliness on display). The storyline revolve...
这是该乐队在登上美国谢伊体育场并在世界上取得巨大成功后失宠的权威传记《冲撞乐队的沉浮》(The Rise and Fall of The Clash)是一部2012年的纪录片,由丹尼·加西亚执导。影片聚焦于英国朋克摇滚乐队The Clash的历史和传奇故事。主要演员包括Vivianne Albertine和乔·斯特拉莫。The Clash是上世纪70年代末至80年代初最具影响力和重要性的朋克乐队之...
Kapana is titled after grilled meat sold on the streets of Namibia. This charming romance is the first gay love story on film from Namibia, and tells the story of George, an openly gay office worker, ...