April 1940. The eyes of the world are on Narvik, a small town in northern Norway, source of the iron ore needed for Hiter's war machinery. Through two months of fierce winter warfare, Hitler is de...
Kauffmann, who was the Danish ambassador to Washington in 1939 when World War II started and who declared himself to be the only true representative of a free Denmark in opposition to the Nazis...
Wizards Of Waverly Place是Disney Channel现在热播的原创电视剧。该剧将魔法引入美国家庭日常生活,相比哈利·波特,这部电视剧更加幽默并且更具都市感。剧中的Russo一家是做快餐生意的,因为爸爸出自巫师家庭,所以孩子们从正常学校放学后会在家里和他学习魔法。里面当然也有很多好玩的咒语和道具。每一个巫师家庭的孩子都要通过魔法测验来决定谁能够永久的拥有魔力。所以Alex,...