Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin. When he returns, it's despite himself and wit...
伊阿宋是国王埃宋的儿子,埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位,伊阿宋则被半人半马的喀戎抚养成人。长大后的伊阿宋回到王国,向叔叔要回王位。而叔叔要求他完成一个任务——夺取金羊毛,只要伊阿宋能做到,叔叔就把王位让出来。伊阿宋率领着希腊众英雄一路远去,来到了金羊毛所在地科尔喀斯。美狄亚(玛丽亚?卡拉斯 Maria Callas 饰)是科尔喀斯城邦国王的女儿,她爱上了伊阿宋,于是盗取金羊毛献给了伊阿宋。她背叛父亲...
Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abando...