本片改编自劳伦斯·奥斯本同名小说,小说故事描绘了在摩洛哥沙漠中,一对英国夫妇和当地人在一个豪华别墅的周末聚会上相遇的悲剧。 Speeding through the Moroccan desert to attend an old friend’s lavish weekend party, wealthy Londoners David and Jo Henninger (Ralph Fi...
Hasan得知有人要在他的耕田上安装电塔,他动用手段避免这一切发生。在出发去麦加朝圣之前,他向妻子保证弥补过去的错误。 Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of the power pole that is g...
基于Bob Zellner的自传《The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement》,Zellner出生于阿拉巴马州,是某个三K党成员的孙子,1961年,他被卷入民权运动的中心。 提尔饰演Zellner,海尔饰演Zellner的大学女友Carol Ann,丹内利饰演Zellner的爷爷,福曼饰...
'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by t...