Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic surgeon, Kevin. As tragedy continues around her, secrets about Kevin and her late husband&...
Follow the frightening and hellish tales behind the spooky relics on display in Zak Bagans' Las Vegas museum, by way of scripted shorts produced by Roth and his accredited team, and with featured ...
在线频道CBS All Access的新剧《一元背后 One Dollar》(前名《$1》)由Jason Mosberg主创,神秘﹑惊悚题材的该剧背景在经济衰退下,美国的锈带小镇(锈带指美国东北部地区,过去此区有钢铁产业,但荒废后工厂余下锈迹大门而得名)中一张一元美金钞票会被不停转手,并牵涉到多个角色﹑命案及披露城镇里的秘密。该剧定于美国时间8月30日上线。 ...
“钢铁骑士”曾是美泰一款风行全球的男孩人偶玩具,也曾被拍成电视系列动画片,此次真人电影版的故事是《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)编剧克里斯托弗·约斯特(Christopher Yost)原创的。故事讲述16岁男孩麦克斯(Max McGrath)和母亲居住在一个小镇上,他的科学家父亲当年在他出生后不久就神秘死亡,麦克斯拥有一种他自己都无法控制的超强能量,直到遇到有着先...