Australias pop princess Jessica Mauboy stars in the Seven Network premiere event series THE SECRET DAUGHTER, the charming and heartfelt story of a small-town country pub singer (Mauboy) whose life cha...
It was reported that in season 2, Dixon and Silver's relationship will suffer due to two new characters, Sasha, an African-American woman who pursues Dixon, and Teddy, a tennis champ who pursues S...
The third season will welcome the West Beverly kids to their senior year of high school. It will be the time of college acceptances and lovers’ rejections. The time of prom dates and promises betrayed...
1943年10月,美国海军在费城进行了一次人工强磁场的机密试验,即着名的“费城实验(The Philadelphia Experiment)”,实验成功地将一艘驱逐舰及全体船员投入另一空间。在实验过程中,实验人员啟动脉衝和非脉衝器,使船只周围形成了一个巨大的磁场。随后整条船被一团绿光笼罩着,船只和船员也开始从人们的视线中消失。实验终止时,舰船已被移送到了479公里以外的诺福克(Norfolk).....