An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female Pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her pros...
十集恐怖惊悚剧集《悬浮聚会 Light As A Feather》由AwesomenessTV丶Wattpad和Kelsey Grammer的Grammnet公司制作。这部超自然恐怖惊悚剧集根据Zoe Aarsen在Wattpad所写的故事改编,该故事有超过两百九十万的阅读量。
剧集由Lee Fleming Jr.创作,讲述了五个少女因为玩了“Light as a Feather, Stiff...