Sophia, a smart but quiet high schooler, strikes up a friendship with a new girl in class, but the girl begins to disrupt the lives of Sophia and her family. Sophia is then forced to uncover her fri...
《明日传奇 DC's Legends of Tomorrow》剧组宣布下季明日传奇小队要面对的由反派组成的末日军团(Legion of Doom),其中确定成员包括黑箭Malcolm Merlyn(John Barrowman饰)﹑Damien Darhk(Neal M cDonough)﹑逆闪电(Matt Letscher)及冷冻队长(Wentworth Miller)。
A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identi...