Ready to leave his profession behind, Loreno, an assassin, lends help to an old friend, Cetan, and taking one last job in Thailand seeking out a local kingpin. A judgment lapse violently crosses paths...
斯科特·阿金斯继《失忆格斗士》《野蛮狗》《三重威胁》和《意外杀手》之后第五次与导演杰西·约翰逊合作的犯罪动作片。弗兰奇(斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins 饰演)最近面临着诸多债务问题:他在城中开设的武馆经营不善并且经常被人上门找麻烦,自己也可能因交不起房租而随时 无家可归,而爱情方面更是无暇顾及、毫无进展。于是弗兰奇打算铤而走险,接受了一份讨债人的工作,他需要冒着生命危险替雇主以暴力手段逼...
After planning a perfect heist, Nick is ready to score. One problem, his girl and the crew, have other ideas. They take Nick down in a hail of bullets but Nick doesn't die and in a race for his life, ...
Having taken control of a maximum security prison, a criminal mastermind faces off against a retired Black Ops agent who had been visiting his incarcerated son....