Vasu, a young medico, after rescuing one of his patients from a murder attempt finds out that his pregnant wife is abducted, and the kidnappers demand the patient he saved in exchange for her safety....
After planning a perfect heist, Nick is ready to score. One problem, his girl and the crew, have other ideas. They take Nick down in a hail of bullets but Nick doesn't die and in a race for his life, ...
While hunting in the jungle, one day, Vijay save the life of a young man from the sudden attack of a wild hawk. There and then Vijay realizes that he have just save the life of a miraculous snake who ...
外人看来,彼得(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)无疑是一个幸福的男人,妻子丽萨(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)温柔漂亮,两人的婚姻稳定而美满。可近日来,彼得发现丽萨的行为举止越来越奇怪,多疑的他本能的想到,丽萨可能已经另结新欢了。面对妻子的出轨,占有欲极强的彼得感到妒火中烧,通过种种线索,一个名叫雷夫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)的男人浮出了水...
巴娅(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一名右翼人士,在当今的政坛上十分的活跃。她传播思想的方式非常独特——但凡跟她有过床笫之欢的右翼男士们,都纷纷投入到了左翼的阵营之中。从小就生活在多元而宽松的家庭氛围之中的巴娅自幼便是开放而又火热的性格,对待感情和性十分开放,这和保守又刻板的亚瑟(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Gamblin 饰)恰恰相反。 亚瑟是一名循规蹈矩的科学家,...